Essay to Revise

I've decided to revise my essay about fire. I'm thinking about changing the title as well as adding some details to my conclusion. I also want to modify some paragraphs. I've decided to revise the essay about fire because I've established a distance between me and my subject.

I've figured that more people can relate to fire than an eating disorder. Sure people can relate to issues about low self esteem, but there's just something about fire that has fascinated humans throughout history.

I've also gotten more feedback on my topic about fire. The feedback that my classmates have given has allowed me to look at the topic of fire from various perspectives.

Furthermore, I've decided to write about fire because I have a clearer focus with this essay. I know for certain that there are three prevalent events that have occurred in my life which have allowed me to look at fire differently. With my essay on bulimia, I feel that it's harder to pick and choose certain parts of my life to focus on. I suffered from the eating disorder for years, it's just too much, too overwhelming and too complicated for me to dissect and analyze while still trying to allow my audience to relate to my topic.

Finally, I know who my audience is with the essay about fire. With my essay about bulimia, I felt as if I was just writing for myself. I felt as if I was complaining and ranting about my self esteem issues. That is the last thing I want to do, i don't want people to feel sorry for me, nor become annoyed with what I have to say about my body issues.