Blog 10 :my second essay

My second essay will be about fire. It will talk about my fear of fire and how-although fire may be the symbol of life, in my mind it symbolizes death.

There are three incidents I will talk about in my essay. The first incident will be about the time I was six years old and burned my fingers from a camping trip in which I didn't let go of fire crackers.

The next incident will be about how I witnessed my neighbor's house burn down at the age of 16.

The next incident will be about last year and how my friend's family died in a fire.

I will also talk about how fire was symbolized as an icon of life in greek mythology and in science and everyday life. Yet fire also symbolizes hell in the Christian belief and marks the end of the world.


  1. As I was reading your essay topics and how you were talking about fire, I started thinking it would be neat to connect how fire in life is powerful in a mythical way, then I kept reading and BINGO, you hit it. I thought that was great. Maybe, you can do some research on fire and see why it relates so much to your life and why fire itself is so significant in your life compared to water or another earth element. I think this will be a great essay especially with a little added research to add a little extra "umph" to it :)

  2. I really like your topic for your next essay. I can realte to your fear of fire because I have that same fear myself! I also liked how you uses the mythical approach and describe events that you witnessed. I'm looking forward to reading your essay and how you incorporate the mytholoical approaches into your fear. I think your topic is really interesting.

  3. WOW, you sure have a lot to go on in this essay. however i recommend that although you did pick the topic of fire maybe you should focus on one or two aspects of it, maybe like your own personall experiences with it like the time with the firecrackers and your neighbors house. i dont wanna tell you what to do but you should consider not jumping from event to event like i think your gonna do, but hey im just a know nothing blogger so dont listen to me if you dont want. other than that i think your essay is going to be fabulous.

  4. Angela, for starters i think you can come up with a great essay on this topic. As i was reading the stories you would reflect on i was shocked when i read about how you lost your friend's family. I am sorry to hear about that. Fires in general are scary, hot, and can also be unpredictable, so maybe you can talk about the shock aspect of it. and what happens when we are in shock and least expect something. here are some ideas for you. =)

  5. Ooh. I like the comment on the duality of fire as a symbol of life and death (or suffering). Speaking of fire, you may want to think of the whole Prometheus story here as well. Like you said, fire was considered a force that sustained life. Prometheus, seeing the advantages of fire, stole it from Zeus and gave it to mankind. For this Prometheus was punished severely. So you can also say something to effect of how fire coveted but at the same time it brings pain and suffering (the whole duality thing again).

    Anyhow, thats just a suggestion. I don't know if you like that at all but thats my two cents. I'm looking forward to what you end up witting.

  6. Wow! this certainly is heavy stuff. I imagine the gravity of this essay to be heavy so that your audience will be dragged into it. thats good. Fire is dangerous but also gives us light and represents science. There is a balance that is important to understand. If you can connect the concepts of fire with your experiences I think that would make a very interesting paper.

  7. i really like your topic and how it relates to many different stories. just like you i see fire as a symbol of death, and not a symbol of life. some questions i would have would be, Did your campfire accident spark your fear of fire? if not what made you fear it? how did you feel when you saw a house being burned down right next to you? i think that this would be a great story to read!

  8. I'll be mindful to never light a cigarette in front of you lol.

    I think your coincidental experiences with fire, and the justifiable fear you have of it, would be a good focus. You clearly described your reasons for the fear, the symbols it means to you, but I wonder, what do you plan on doing to conquer or embrace that fear. Will you, or will you let the fear of fire burn you alive?