Ideas of Essay 4

For my next essay I plan on writing about my walls. When I look at my walls I see that they are painted yellow and they also have drawings on them. My exboyfriend of two and a half years once helped me paint my walls yellow. Actually, he did all the painting of my walls.

Now I have huge drawings on my wall, there’s a life size drawing shaded with black marker, and it’s of a man and woman dancing. There’s also another drawing near my window of a man leaning towards a sleeping woman. He has a rose in his hand and he is masked like zorro.

I also have pictures all over my wall and drawings on paper.
All of the drawings were created by my current boyfriend. All the photos on my wall are mostly of my family, friends and boyfriend.

I guess my walls symbolizes how I’ve moved on yet can’t escape some of my memories of my ex. Everytime I look at my walls, I see my boyfriend’s beautiful drawings, yet they are drawn on top of the plain yellow wooden walls t that my ex boyfriend painted. I could have repainted my walls, but part of me did not want to let go of my ex boyfriend’s hard work.

We don’t talk anymore. Part of me still wants to be friends with him. But all I have left of him now are my yellow walls.


  1. All i can think of right now is "molting" - it kind of ties in with the archaeological/anatomical ideas mentioned in class. But - uhm -a molt is a discarding of something you've outgrown. You could draw an obvious parallel to outgrowing your ex...but you kept the yellow color. You didn't throw that away....

    Humans are unable (for the most part) to discard our experiences, the trail of evidence is hard to hide - if we're the sum of experience, then maybe you can look at the sum of your walls. Yellow (old guy) + drawings (new guy) + your papers and stuff (you) = ???

    Have you told your current BF about who did the painting? If you haven't,. that'd be awesome to work in, since we all have so many secrets we think are hidden...what's obvious, and what's not, waht you choose to reveal or not...stuff like that

    Just thinking aloud :)

  2. Hey hey. So I absolutely envy people who actually have something to write about for essay 4. Therefore, I envy you because you've definitely got something there. Maybe, instead of looking at the wall as something your ex-boyfriend has done but rather how you've evolved. I think it makes sense. This whole combination of paint, charcoal, lead (or whatever it was your current flame drew with)is an accumulation of your history... somewhat. I don't know. Just like Liz, just think aloud. Shouldn't take any advice from me though, had a hard enough time trying to finish essay 3... haha :)

  3. I think this is a greeeattt isea. I like the fact you kept the old and brough in the new. You can look at the walls and remeber old memories butlook at the drawings and nowhave new memories. Think of it as a growing experience. Who you were then and who you are now. this is going to be exciting to read!

  4. well, theres only one thing for me say on this

    ....the writings are on the wall